Monday, September 21, 2009

Me MyseLF and No onE else...

Well this is the first time I m writing something on my blog and for now I m going to write something about myself and what you can expect to see on my blog but don’t be surprised to see something out of the ordinary because that is how I am, I love to be excited once in a while. I will post many poetries which I believe have deeper meaning as my last post suggests. To start with ,I m a very lousy character and hardly seen online but after a few years of trying to avoid to confront reality I have now decided to put my mind on paper and turn thoughts into action and of course constructive ones. Right now I don’t see myself as anyone ,that doesn’t mean that I am going through any identity crisis but if I soon don’t take any steps to prove my existence I might land up going through it(just kidding).I am about to complete my graduation from a good institute and haven’t given my near future any thought but I do plan to sit and think about it. Till now I am going with the flow but if I wish to prove any point then I need to go against it. I am a very silent person and wish to conserve my energy and channel it in places where I think it might transform into something useful. I believe in the saying that “you need to be the change that you wish to see in others”.i think its enough about me and perhaps I would not be writing so much about myself in near future but I do promise I will be writing on many issues that I think are important to man-kind .see you soon...

1 comment:

  1. whoaaa.... finally u r upto somthing!! u r actually going to write on things important to mankind??...dude thts too much for a headstart :P
